Saturday, April 18, 2009

Semana Santa (Holy Week)

Semana Santa, or holy Week is a big celebration here in Peru, as it is in most Latin countries. The whole week, there are processionals each evening around the Plaza de Armas, or city center. Military bands played as regional leaders and dignitaries attended church services and asked for blessings for the country. Thursday and Friday are National holidays, and the city pretty much shuts down. Very few stores are open. On Saturday morning, 5am, there is a special processional for the hanging of Judas. They light fires in the street and wait for an efegy of Judas to be hung.

On Easter morning, most everyone goest to church. They sell crosses made out of palm leaves and have them blessed by the catholic priests. Then they hang them in their houses until the next year, when they get a new one.

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