Monday, October 18, 2010


A few weeks ago, I got to participate in an exciting event at our home church, Alto Libertad. As a result of our Love Extreme Event in June, and our followup efforts, and our continued cell groups, we have seen many new Christians maturing in their faith. One of the natural steps in the nuture/maturing process is baptism. We had 7 people ask to be baptiszed as a symbol of thier new lives and the cleansing that comes from Jesus. So we set a date of September 18th. We took 2 bus loads of people from the church and traveled to a little hot springs about 25 miles out of town. We pitched a couple of tents for some shade and began a worship/ celebration service. Then we gathered around the pool, and Pastor Solano, District Super, Pastor Elvin, and myself waded in. One by one our new believers entered and made a public confession of What Jesus had done for them and their committment to follow after Him. The highlight for me was getting to baptism my spanish teacher from when I first got to Arequipa.

After the baptism, we enjoyed lunch, playing in the pool, hiking the surrounding hills, and of course playing fotbal. Gooooooooooooollllllllllllll!!!

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